Thursday, December 13, 2007

The hardest part about going away...

... is trying to catch up when you get back! ^_^

It didn't happen that -- poof! -- I was suddenly inspired to write again; in fact, I've been thinking about it for a while. But then I realized there is no simple "picking up where you left off." Disappear for a few months, and suddenly there are 200 things to say instead of 20.

That sounded much more profound in my head.

Anyway, the thought of saying all those things I'd been waiting for months to say became overwhelming, and every time it intruded on Real Life, I took a Xanax and a bubble bath and got over the urge pretty quickly. And now I've written for five minutes and said nothing of value. Gee, this isn't easy.

So let's start over.

I'm Kate. Remember me? I'm in my mid- to late-20s, married, two cats, no kids. I have obnoxiously fine, straight, dark hair that my right brain wishes was red and curly, but my left brain knows I'd probably hate if I had it. I like tea. Lipstick is my impulse buy, which can be semi-expensive (but I justify by saying at least I don't impulsively buy, say, antique dollhouses or red convertibles). I use parentheses too much. My greatest strength is that I am well-balanced between logic/numbers/analytics and language/creativity/intuition. My greatest weakness is that I'm too apologetic. My second-greatest weakness is that I'm very Type A. My third-greatest weakness is chocolate chip cookies.

I bought a bright-blue, hybrid Saturn Vue in October. I got contacts -- sorry kids, no more emo glasses -- and you can see the new non-glassed me on my MySpace page because I'm too lazy to upload a photo right now. I'm moving next year, but I don't know where, and that's the scariest thing in the world to me. I haven't traveled nearly enough since Paul started traveling for work, and that's the boring-est thing in the world to me. I haven't put up a Christmas tree, which makes me feel Grinchy.

I think that's a good stopping point for tonight. You're at least halfway caught up now. I think.

I still love you guys who've been e-mailing me little notes reminding me to blog. You're the best not-Real-Life friends a gal can have. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did i do this comment rite? it has been so long

7:55 PM  
Blogger Chance said...

Thank goodness! I can put you back on my sidebar now. Glad you're going to come back and talk a bit every now and again.

12:04 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I've missed you Kate! I hope you keep it up. Reading your little posts is my favorite :)

5:08 PM  

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