Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Twenty and Oh

I broke the news about the move to the folks at my other proofing job, so I'm slowly whittling away at the list of people who don't know. I actually feel kind of bad posting it on the blog because I know I have some readers who know me in person but who I don't see very often. I've been trying to tell people in person, and this seems so ... impersonal.

BUT I'm so glad I'm here this year for the Tigers' record-breaking year. Still No. 1! And in a few weeks ESPN College GameDay is going to be in town and I'm so going to be there holding a sign of awesomeness! Assuming Mom and Dad make it Downtown for GameDay as well, I'm going to make Mom a shirt that says, "I love Joey D. so much I named my dog after him."

She met him once and told him. He was nice to her face, but I wonder if it creeped him out.


Blogger De said...

You and Paul should find a couple of skeevy tiger costumes and answer every question with a roar.

12:51 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

You know? My comment holds no candle to that.

2:36 PM  

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