Friday, January 25, 2008

Zorbeez in my hands, pie on my mind

Have you guys seen this ad for Zorbeez, the ultra-mega-super-absorbant chamois pimped by infomercial god Billy Mays? If you haven't, watch the video now.

Man, besides washing dogs and cleaning bathroom showers -- and then(!) drying dishes -- Zorbeez have the ability to make women Really, Really Happy. Observe:

The woman on the right is making what Paul and I have dubbed the "Pie Face."

Buying Zorbeez costs money; making Pie Face is free. Go ahead. Try it.


Anonymous Paul said...

You picked a fantastic pie too - mmmmmmmm coconut creeeeaaaaam piiieee.

Billy Banks commercials are hilariously awesome.

10:08 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Billy Mays. Mays.

The late Billy Banks is a 1940s boxer known for his lightning left-right combos and gentlemanly demeanor.

Billy Blanks is the Tae-Bo guy, and I highly urge you to watch this video of him leading a live workout in Tokyo. The video prints all the Amazing lyrics right at the bottom (example: "Yell out boom boom boom/You got the power/Let's stay strong/Like the Tokyo Tower/Billy Billy Billy Billy/What you want what you want want want").

12:50 AM  
Blogger De said...

Pie Face Woman appears to be wearing some sort of wig, and a really bad one I might add.

But who cares, there's a huge honkin' slice of coconut cream pie with her name on it!

11:18 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

That pie face is scaring me.

8:48 PM  

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