Sunday, February 24, 2008

But we still love 'em

It was a heckuva game. UT won 66-62. But you know, I think the guys fought hard -- maybe not as hard as they should have, but now they know what it's going to take come tournament time. And honestly, some of the pressure's off now.

The Forum was absolutely electric. More than 18,000 fans, with 80-plus percent rooting for Memphis. Win or lose, I'm glad I was a part of it.

And like a true fan, I have completely lost my voice. I sound like Dr. Girlfriend, for real.

I'll post some pics on Picasa tomorrow. Tonight, I rest.

P.S. Thanks for the support, Lauren and Carrie. I love you guys. ^_^

EDIT: I forgot to mention Paul ran into U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen at the game. (Click here for Cohen's "Better Know a District" segment on Colbert Report -- Cohen's a really funny, self-assured guy.)

Paul told me, "I'm going to run over and shake his hand," so I told him to go ahead and I'd wait around the corner. Paul came back a minute later and I asked him, "Well, what did he say?" and Paul replied, "He said, 'You're very welcome.'"

"'You're very welcome'? Welcome for what?" I asked. Paul replied, "I told him, 'Thank you for backing Obama!'"

So he could've said something relevant, such as, "Thanks for supporting the Tigers," or "Thanks for coming home for this game," or even "Thanks for being a funny, self-assured congressman." Instead he thanked him for backing Obama. On the other hand, I guess that is kind of relevant right now.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I'm always going to run Tiger Blue through my veins when I'm not routing for the Seminoles. Like a true Memphian, who almost went to college at what I will always know as "Memphis State" (Where did they even GET that name?!?), I will be routing for the Tiger High always.

Especially if it ever comes to Memphis vs. the Florida Gators (bleech!).

2:00 PM  

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