Thursday, February 07, 2008

Coming to terms with making my own decisions

Paul had to teach lab last night, so I rode to the basketball game with Mom and Dad. On the way home, I was talking about how much is on hold until Paul knows the dates of his trip to Ireland. I said there was a possibility he could miss the C-USA tournament, we can't plan the dates for our first visit to Charleston, and it could affect when a friend visits us for a while.

"It's not that weird friend, is it?" Mom asked me. I assumed she was talking about Mattie -- and she was -- but Paul and I know so many interesting people that she could've been referring to anybody. When I pressed her, she said, "You know, that guy who doesn't have a job and was out in the garage smoking a lot." Yep, that's Mattie. When I told her, there was an uncomfortable silence for a while.

To address their concerns: he works, just not in an office. And Mom and Dad have met him -- how could they not think he's very nice?

I came home absolutely deflated and told Paul, "She said, 'It's not that weird friend, is it?' and I knew she had to be talking about Matt." And Paul said, "Which Matt?" Because I know a couple of guys who previously were unemployed and smoked in my garage. So Paul made me laugh about it.

I'm sure I'll understand when I'm a parent, but I don't appreciate that I'm nearly 28 years old and she's still telling me what she thinks of my friends. Screw that. Paul was like, "I like Matt. You like Matt. I trust him completely -- and I'm the guy who thinks people are out to stab me." Paul would have no qualms leaving town with Matt here. In fact, I'd probably feel safer than I would if I were by myself. But Mom (but not Dad, really) will hover the whole time Paul is gone, so it's going to be hard to lie about somebody living upstairs.

It kept me awake for a few hours until I took a Xanax. I don't want to get into it with her over this. I think I'm a decent judge of character, so this is really rubbing me the wrong way.

Before I fell asleep, I remembered how much Carrie liked Matt when they both were living here. That really made me feel better. If Paul and I and my best friend who stayed here with Matt all like him, then Mom and Dad should too.

I've gotta get ready for work. That's off my chest now and I've got to stop worrying about it. I care a lot about what my parents think, but I don't think I have to agree with them about everything.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

I think parents are always like that. My grandmother still criticizes my mother's friends at every opportunity, and she's nearly 50.

I think you're an excellent judge of character, from what I know about you. Keep on truckin', Miss Kate. You know you have a smart head on your shoulders.

12:21 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

You need to tell your Mom your excessively conservative BF thought that Mattie was someone she liked. And as for Moms, I think yours and mine are conspiring together. I've got 'net friends who might potentially come to visit, and I'm trying to figure out how to NOT tell the rents if and when they come. AND I'M 28 YEARS OLD AND LIVE ON MY OWN, SHEESH!!!!!!!!!!!! I generally know when peeps are axe murderers and tend to be a very good judge of character in recent years.

So yeah, I know where you are coming from. And I wouldn't live for a week in your upstairs with much anyone else than Mattie. :P

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



I think we can all see where i am going with this. Obviously stargazergirl is out to stab kate in the leg.

10:01 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I'm better known for throwing shoes at people. :)

6:59 PM  

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