Monday, February 18, 2008

Everything old is new again

Moving has been on my mind a lot lately, and I do mean a lot. I feel like crap. Yea, though I walk through the valley of dissociation, I will fear no emotion. My blog and my notebook, they comfort me ... as does working a lot ... and playing my piano ... and getting mad at the last boss in Final Fantasy. In short, I've schlepped back to my old hobbies. Anything to get out of my head for a while.

Fortunately for "getting out of my head," Matt (not my brother-in-law or the one from Michigan but the other one) and I have gone out the past couple of Sundays. We didn't do anything too exciting yesterday, just watched a lot of TV (revelation: Top Gear rocks!) while he did some laundry. Fortunately, Paul is cool with me hanging out with Matt; Paul and I are tight like that and he told me just because he has to work on his dissertation, it shouldn't mean I can't go out and have fun. So I did. And I will. The cool thing about hanging out with Matt is that I don't have to say anything. Ever. I mean, I generally do, but I don't have to. He gets me, and I'd like to think I get him. He says we must've been siblings in another life, and I'd buy that. As an only child, I will assume that only a brother can be so cool and yet so goddamn frustrating at the same time sometimes. :D

Speaking of frustrated, I've been really pissed about two random people telling a friend that all video gamers are swingers. (By extrapolation, guess what "LAN parties" really are.) What's worse is I think she actually believed it for a split second. So a great big Fuck You to the two people who started this whole ball rolling -- especially when I'm thinking about getting back into an MMO. I can't blame her too much for believing them, I guess, considering it came from two independent sources. I'm not mad at her at all, but seriously, what the hell?

I think the problem is that I'm already touchy (bitchy?) about wanting to withdraw into things and situations that are comfortable and familiar and low-key, so I don't want to defend those decisions any more than I have to. It's all very complicated and I'm tired. I've been writing and erasing this post for two hours, which is why it's so disjointed. I didn't sleep a lot last night and my brain and fingers aren't on the same wavelength. Maybe tomorrow I'll post something that's less grumbly and more sensible. We shall see.

P.S. Hugo?


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