Wednesday, February 27, 2008

How Paul briefly lost his job

So Paul's checking his school mailbox Monday and notices he has a letter from The Citadel. "I wonder what they're sending me here," he says out loud, to which the office secretary replies, "Oh, probably that you didn't get the job after all."

He opens it and -- what do you know? -- it's a letter regretting to inform him the position has been filled and he's no longer in consideration for a job at The Citadel.

"So, what is it?" the secretary asks. "Uhh, Paul, I wasn't right, was I?"

And faster than you can say "unorganized militia of South Carolina," Paul's on the phone leaving a voice mail for the chair of the chemistry department. She doesn't call back for the Longest. Hour. Ever. When she does call, she tells him not to worry -- it was a form letter sent to all the people considered for a second teaching position in the department. And they work it out and blah blah blah, and everyone has a good laugh like at the end of a Scooby Doo episode.

Everyone I've told has thought this is the funniest thing ever. Maybe my sense of humor button is broken.

In E news ... If you guys haven't seen my first clue as to who E is, it's in the comments under "Floating Away." I actually got the e-mail notification of the new comment while I was in the oncologist's office Monday and whiled away my time in the waiting room by Googling "Gangsta Boo" and "Crunchy Black." I am not a rap aficionado.

I figured out the basics -- the Three 6 Mafia connection, the lyrics to "I Thought You Knew," etc. -- and headed back to the office feeling very smart indeed. My first stop: my poor, poor coworkers, who have been my sounding board since Day 1. I read the clue to a couple of the reporters, and one piped up, "Oh, Crunchy Black -- that's Three 6 Mafia." My jaw absolutely dropped. You don't expect a white guy in his late 40s who practically lives in the office to know much about rap in general, much less the members of Three 6 Mafia. Turns out he's covered them in the past (?!) and has an exceptionally good memory.

I've read the lyrics front to back (and back to front); I've even printed a copy and stuck it in my notebook. I'm not going to link it up here because they're very NWS, but you're welcome to Google them and lend a hand.

I think all I'm supposed to get from it is that my mystery person(s) is/are from Memphis, although others have suggested less obvious interpretations of the first verse, e.g., they live under a billboard or have been hit in the head with a brick. I'm kind of doubting that.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I've seriously already Googled the Mr. E clue myself. I surmised that whomever it is lives in Memphis as well. Wasn't sure if there is anything else, but if he/she has been hit with a brick, that would pretty much suck.

But I guess living under a billboard would suck too.

As for the almost lost job, I don't find it funny either. Not the sort of thing you'd like to happen right now.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Paul said...

It wasn't at all funny at the time. After i found out what happened, it was indeed a scooby-doo moment.

I was asked if i could do two jobs at once, and i happily responded - no, even though i am awesome, i am not that awesome and can't do two full time faculty positions

10:44 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Oh man, that hour must have been a very long wait.

12:56 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Monday morning miscellany (yawn)
    Floating away
    But we still love 'em
    Graceland goes Tiger Blue
    Photo hunt, part deux: The Bellevue crosses
    To E ...
    Well, not quite finished
    Is it backwards ...
    Total lunar eclipse tonight
    Hey hey, Mister E!