Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday morning miscellany (yawn)

What do you do on a stir-crazy Sunday night? How about put 100 miles on the car, sit a while by the river, and bug a friend into watching three hours of a TV special on Europe? Because that's what I did last night. And I've only had about three-and-a-half hours of sleep.

This is OK though, because Sunday has become my fun day, my I-don't-have-to-run day. (Everyone! Sing along!) Actually, Sunday is Matt's only day off -- he works six days a week -- so I get to bug him during laundry time, and he seems OK with that. But I actually set out last night needing to clear my head, so I drove the interstate loop twice, ending up at Tom Lee Park staring at the Mississippi River. I had my notebook with me, but there wasn't much point; it was dark and I didn't feel like writing.

Anyway, Matt was watching a TiVoed NBA game (yuck!) when I got there, then rewarded me for my patience by watching a spelling bee episode of Cheap Seats and the first three episodes of Jeremy Clarkson Meets the Neighbours. He's going to get me a copy of the series. It's that good.

I told Matt about Mattie and how I'm driving to Indiana Saturday to pick him up. The closer it gets, the more nervous I get. I mean, Mattie's last visit was great -- really. But I go back to blog posts from then and realize, geez, that was an incredibly frustrating time. Paul says things are going to be fine -- and I believe him -- but there's this kind of sustained, reserved fear that's just below the surface.

I'm keeping my usual Sunday night, laundry-time plans with Matt. I'm going to see plenty of Mattie next week (oh, and the drive home from Indiana).

Bloodwork this morning for the JAK2. I actually need to get to the office and get a little bit of work done before driving back out east to the clinic. That means I'm officially running late.

... And I've got to work on the latest clue from E. Send over the next photo clue whenever and I'll try to knock out one or two more before I head to Indiana. I've actually told several friends and coworkers what's going on because I've started carrying my camera Everywhere I Go, and apparently people find that a bit strange. -.-


Blogger De said...

Grr. I always miss the Spelling Bee episode! I really need to just set the DVR and be done with it.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

harder and harder
the clues become
hopefully you wont
come undone

next stop here
on this memphis tour
is a place I've loved
since I was four

whether its animal bones
for which you dig
or you're looking for beans
at the local pig

I can't sound it out
with better phonetics
when you're at this place
its all about genetics

its a place
that really lets you dream
as you see the world
through their screen

red and yellow
black and blue
are not the real colors
of this clue

10:31 AM  

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    To E ...
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    Is it backwards ...
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