Saturday, February 23, 2008

Photo hunt, part deux: The Bellevue crosses

No. 2: The Bellevue crosses. The middle one is 150ft tall; the two flanking it are 120ft. I think, were you to look hard, you could probably see them from space. :D Seriously, you can see them from miles away. Saying they're hard to miss is the understatement of the century.

The crosses were installed in 2000, around my sophomore/junior year in college. I thought they were the gaudiest, shove-my-religion-in-your-face crosses I'd ever seen. I've gotten used to them now, but my opinion really hasn't changed.

Thanks, E. I never would've thought to take a pic of Bellevue, and there's nothing that screams "Buckle of the Bible Belt" more than Memphis' own mega-church.

Now, please to be forthcoming with ... whatever. This may be my whimsy, but I'm still at your mercy, so dole it out as you see fit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well done my friend
another guess right for you
so a hint about me
seems to be well overdue.

in the next 24 hours
a clue shall appear
but i can promise my identity
will not yet be clear.

1:27 AM  

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