Thursday, February 21, 2008

To E ...

Photo forthcoming. I was nearby today, but alas, it was raining.

I've told a couple of the reporters about the photo hunt: You give me a pic clue, I give you a photo, you give me a clue as to who you are. One of them asked me today, "So, what was your first clue?" And I told him about The Pyramid. Then he said, "No, what was your first clue as to who the mystery person is?" And I realized I let you slip on that!

I actually thought I had it all figured out, but the person I asked flat-out denies it and I'm inclined to believe her. Actually, she seemed a little offended/defensive that I thought it was her. Oops. So you've one-upped me already.

I don't need a real identity clue yet if you'll answer one question: Do I know you in real life? This affects how I play the game ... but if we know each other, you probably already knew that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

listen here
dis da man
leavin the clues
and holdin the plan

get two right
and i'll drop some lines
a few lil hints
as to dis name of mine

but it'll be vague
as to who I be
u needn't know dat
until summer, see.

nuttin else
i'll say right now
earn some knowledge
wit yo pictures, ciao

1:45 AM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Dude. Dude!

It's not so much "flat-out denying" as it is "truth telling." Not me! NOT! ME!

I'm not offended; I just think it's funny. Honestly, looking at that poem above me. Does that sound like something I would write? Whenever this "Mr. E" person comes forward it's going to be pretty hilarious when you see it's not me. :)

Off the subject, but did you get my e-mail about my tiger erection shirt? Jeez. First I unknowingly join the rebounders, and now I'm supporting cartoon porn.

3:14 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Johanna: Is this the shirt? I couldn't find many with full-body shots as opposed to just tiger heads.

E: I'm going to trick myself into believing, then, that I don't know you. I think I'll play harder that way because it's more mysterious. More on the line. It's a psychological thing.

Oh expletive - it's 0715. Second day in a row I'm late getting ready for work. I need a day off.

8:24 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Well, not quite finished
    Is it backwards ...
    Total lunar eclipse tonight
    Hey hey, Mister E!
    Finally over?
    Sunlight helps too, I think
    Everything old is new again
    To Mister E
    This starts out with a picture of my new haircolor...
    Where does he keep the ammunition?