Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Total lunar eclipse tonight

If you're interested in such things, there's a total lunar eclipse tonight, with the partial starting at 7:43 KST (Kate Standard Time ... or CST) and the mid-eclipse at 9:26 KST. The moon will appear red most of the time, but will look turquoise around 9 and 9:50.

It's the last total lunar eclipse until December 2010.

It's supposed to be mostly cloudy and cold here all night. I can deal with the cold, but here's hoping the clouds break long enough for me to see the eclipse.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Hey hey, Mister E!
    Finally over?
    Sunlight helps too, I think
    Everything old is new again
    To Mister E
    This starts out with a picture of my new haircolor...
    Where does he keep the ammunition?
    Candy is dandy, but fruit is ... tastier
    Tornadoes, prostitution and monkeys (in that order...
    Oh, rats!