Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good news

Talked to the fine folks at UT Cancer yesterday. My JAK2 came back negative, so my stem cells aren't mutated! Check that one off the list.

We're slowly whittling away at the list of possibilities and I think we're entering Really Really Rare Disorder territory. I'd love some resolution -- just a definitive answer, you know -- but each time a test comes back negative, I get a little rush. I could have it so much worse.

My bracket going into Saturday: 22 of 32. Definitely passable.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Congrats on both your bracket and not having mutated cells!

6:30 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

It's always nice to know what you don't have so you can mark it off your "nasty disorders" list. But I know all too well how much it can suck to just not KNOW what is going on. I so hate the unknown. That makes everything out of your control.

My thoughts and prayers are always with you on that.

11:59 PM  

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