Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hair, photos, kite

I have new pics up in my Memphis gallery and my Friends gallery.

This is one of them. And let me tell you what my problem is with this picture. My hair isn't red. It's just not. I took, like, 16 pictures in different lighting -- sunlight, fluorescent, incandescent -- and you know what, it's not red. I covered up my blonde highlights, and for what? Brown-red. Not red-red.

The bonus is that the color manages to wash me out even further. I already had the computer-monitor-geeky-pale thing going on, and now it's even worse. It's really obvious in person.

I should spend more time outside.

This should be the last time I post a haircolor pic for a few months; I might as well keep this color for a while. I guess that's good news to the dude who made my day by dissing my haircut on his first visit to my blog. ::rolls eyes::

Paul and I went to the river this afternoon to fly a kite. No, we actually went to the river to watch the sunset, but we keep a mini parafoil in the car (not the stunt kite -- I took out the few remaining crossbars and sent that to Matt), so Paul flew the parafoil while I snapped pics of the sunset.

Compared to the stunt kite incident (Paul, Matt, a nutdriver flying through the air...), manning the parafoil was a piece of cake. Folding it up and putting it back in the bag ... not so much. And even harder was warding off the little kid who rode up on his bike and tried to sweet-talk me into giving him my kite while his dad gabbed on his cell phone half-way across the park. Cute kid, but I kept the kite. Is that bad?


Anonymous paul said...

you know, i miss stunt kite. It was like...a project to get working. It had to be heavily "modified" to get it properly working, but once it was, it was awesome.

Also, you have brown-red hair. There, i commented on your hair :p

11:28 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Do you want me to get the stunt kite back? I'm sure Matt would send it back, because really, why does he need it? Of course, there are only two things you'd do with it: (A.) Let it sit around untouched, then pack it up with all the other "useful" stuff and move it to Charleston; or (B.) Try to actually "fix" it, spending hours repairing crossbars and attaching parts instead of writing your dissertation. I vote for B.

As for the hair, did you forget you picked out the color? My hair, your fault. ;)

11:38 PM  
Anonymous paul said...

(B) Fixing the kite is far more important than anything else i am currently doing.

11:40 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I love how everyone's priorities are all in line here. And I for one like the haircut. And I actually like the hair color too. But I'm a teacher-computer-geek, so I don't know how much my two cents is really worth.

12:02 AM  

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