Thursday, March 27, 2008

Marbles, music, March Madness

As of the time I'm posting this, none of the NCAA games are over yet. So ... three cheers for Xavier, North Carolina, UCLA and Tennessee! Boos and hisses to West Virginia, Washington State, Western Kentucky and Louisville.

I've been keeping my hands busy during these basketball games -- and in between -- by playing with my marbles. Practicing with my marbles, really. Mattie has a nice glasswork setup in Michigan, so we agreed that I'd wire-wrap marbles and he'd pay me in jewelry. I love jewelry, especially unique jewelry, and double-especially made by a friend. Anyway, I've been waiting for the first set of his stuff and practicing wrapping little cat's eyes marbles in 24- and 32-gauge wire. My thumbs are so sore they're spasming. I don't know how I'm going to do a bunch of these at once.

Speaking of Michigan, a friend tells me it's snowing there today. It's 78 degrees in Memphis. Michigan, it sucks to be you. ^_^

Now for your viewing pleasure, the greatest video of "O Fortuna" (Carmina Burana) I have ever seen. A friend sent it to me, telling me the camerawork is outrageous. He wasn't kidding. Skip ahead about 40 seconds for the song to begin. The frenetic intensity kicks up about two minutes in. It's the most fun you'll have at the symphony all day.

[Video removed from YouTube. You guys missed out.]

P.S. Good going, North Carolina ... especially since my bracket has you winning the national championship. One down, three to go.


Anonymous paul said...

what the hell west virginia!?

All you had to do was make one free throw and you pulled a memphis in like, the last 5 min.


also - lol at the big drum guy and his mega-beard

9:52 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

This post has been removed by the author.

2:33 AM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Please tell me that you did NOT just cheer for Fucking University of Fucking Tennessee. I know that was a misprint.

Dude, I had them in my bracket. I had them going to the Final Four. And the fact that they dropped it to Louisvill put me out of the running for $870 (I was 4th in that pool, but now I'm like 118th or something). And you know what? I'm still happy they lost.

And I love that Paul calls Bob Huggins HUGGIES!


Okay, sorry. Just had to get it out of my system. That is one precious nickname.


(It never gets old.)

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


if you go to this place
then sad you might be
or you might end up dancing
right out in the street

the wail of her cry
beauty or shrill
her dad loved her so
that he named her Lucille

at least once a year
she appears in this crowd
it might not be rock
but its played just as loud

so go to this place
and your camera can snap
a real delta showcase
downtown on the map

5:37 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    To E (... again)
    To E (A: Graceland!)
    Goodbye, winter ...
    Proud Mary keep on burning
    Hair, photos, kite
    Good news
    Already, my bracket takes a hit
    Dribbling over the brackets
    To E (A: Lil' John's Animall)
    Summer sing-alongs