Saturday, March 08, 2008

The post-Matt blog

Nice, goofy picture, huh? Matt and I both look like we just woke up. And he's wearing my hat. :)

Actually, it's the last picture I took before Matt went home to Michigan, taking the warm weather with him. After days of 65- to 70-degree awesomeness, it snowed four or five inches last night -- the first snow all season. Actually, the first big snow in a couple of years. I blame Matt.

I miss him already. It was such a fun week. The weather was absolutely perfect Sunday, so Matt and Paul and I went to the park to fly a kite I bought at the beach last year. It's a stunt kite, and the guys had a bit of trouble getting the hang of it, so by the end, it was on its last leg. Most of the cross-supports had popped out or were gone altogether. In lieu of a tail, Matt tied a nutdriver to the end of the kite (look for that in the pic), which actually got the kite airborne ... though it was probably a little bit dangerous to have a heavy, metal hand tool flying above us for extended periods.

I feel kind of bad, because Matt and I didn't attack Memphis much while Paul was out of town Tuesday through Thursday. We went out some, but he assured me he saw the city last time he was here and really was in town this time to visit me, so we stuck around the house and watched a lot of Adult Swim and some Fruits Basket. (Thankfully, Matt's patient; Furuba is very shoujo compared to what he normally watches.) We talked a lot. And I had so much fun, I didn't check my e-mail or blog for days.

Paul really likes Matt and said he already misses him too. Matt's like a big ball of positive energy, so having him gone makes it a little too quiet around here.

I think I'll go play in the snow a while and finish blogging later.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Speaking of kites, you should watch The Kite Runner if you haven't already.

Cute picture of you, by the way. I love that hair color!

9:51 PM  

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