Sunday, March 23, 2008

Proud Mary keep on burning

Can't read this post without listening to a little Creedence Clearwater Revival. Aural requirement.

I just can't get over how pretty the sunset on the river was last night. The view reminded me of watching sunsets on the Gulf. Nothing compares to the shimmering reflection of the setting sun or the rising moon on the water.

There's something immutable about sunset (well, at least until the sun burns itself out), and yet each one is unique and beautiful in its own right. I want to see them all! And when I've seen them all here, I'll go to Charleston Harbor and watch them from there.

Speaking of Charleston, I'm going to spend a couple hours this afternoon looking online and through city guides for an apartment. Paul and I are going to rent for a few months while searching for a house ... but we can't find the perfect house until we find the perfect apartment! I figure if I narrow it down to two or three, it'll make things easier when we visit ... whenever that is. I'm really in no rush to go.

P.S. I ran into Samuel L. Jackson getting barbecue take-out yesterday. He was wearing a really cool lavender baseball cap. I want a really cool lavender baseball cap! A policeman hanging around the front door of the restaurant shook his hand, but otherwise nobody bothered him. Man, dude just wants to eat his barbecue in peace. We all can respect that.


Anonymous paul said...

OH NO. We are doomed. The wiki link to charleston harbor is talking about an submergent coast or something on the geologic time scale. You know what that means?!

Geologically speaking, we are going to drown! (In a muddy freshwater/oceanwater mixture, aaaaggggghhhh)

12:18 PM  

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