Saturday, March 01, 2008

To E... (A: Pink Palace)

The Pink Palace Mansion. I also have a pic of the museum front here. My favorite memory of Pink Palace came at some point in junior high or high school. It's kind of hazy in my mind, but I remember a small group of students going up the dim stairs in the mansion to a research lab at the top. I remember a bright room with microscopes. And that's about it for that.

Another enduring memory is the "bird flight" ramp -- other Memphians should know what I'm talking about. You walk up the ramp with your arms stretched to each side and it shows you how your arms would move if they were wings.

Sorry it's so belated, E. ... It's been a long week. I actually was able to get the pic last night (Friday), but I wasn't able to get it uploaded before I went to Indiana. The clue was really tricky. ^_^ Somebody has suggested you might be a serial killer and I am setting myself up for a fall. I think that's a hilarious suggestion. I guess if you are a serial killer, well, the joke is on me.

So what next?


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    Floating away
    But we still love 'em
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    Photo hunt, part deux: The Bellevue crosses
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