Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And so Sally can wait ...

Word on the street is that I'm getting another shipment of marbles soon. It's good timing because it's fun in a mind-numbing way (why watch crappy movies when you can listen to crappy movies?). However, it's bad timing because my Xbox 360 is still new enough to where the novelty hasn't worn off.

And it's not just Rock Band, either. Last night, I was zoned out on Xanax, playing virtual Uno against three computer players. Each of them handily beat me several times in a row. Same thing happened to me over the weekend; I played two hours of virtual Uno while I was gabbing on the phone (multitasking, Kate-style), and won maybe three hands. I think it was two, but it might have been three. The computer cheats.

As far as Rock Band goes, I can't rock out on the virtual guitar or drum or bass, but I can kinda sorta feel my way through the vocals. My current favorite songs are "Maps" (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) and "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" (Blue Oyster Cult). I'm used to scoring around 95% to 97% on vocals, but I can hit 99% easily on each of those.

We bought three add-on songs last night: "Ride the Lightning" (Metallica), "Sex Type Thing" (Stone Temple Pilots) and "Don't Look Back in Anger" (Oasis). I scored my first perfect score on "Don't Look Back in Anger," then stopped while I was ahead.

I guess a perfect score makes it "my song."

Regarding "my song," sorry, Nirvana – Kurt Cobain is out and Liam Gallagher is totally in. <3


Blogger smacky said...

Well, only one of those two has a chance to ever record anything else, so you may as well live in the present.

7:47 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    To E (A: Statue of Liberation)
    On (not) caring
    Cincy and a riddle
    And our birthdays aren't for another month
    On being a mattress
    I'm still not sure why we're messing with natural ...
    It's like singing to your steering wheel, except y...
    To E (A: Sun Studio)
    Food + Food = ??
    A note to E