Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Career Revival Tip #1: Branding

So ... Thursday is T-minus 100. So little time left with my friends. I'm not sure whether to commemorate the occasion by going out for drinks or staying in and watching Spongebob.

Either way, I'll likely be consuming this can of Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt: Asian Experience Energy Drink. (Like my dashboard photo?)

From the Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt website, I have learned "Steven Seagal traveled to Asia searching for the ingredients for Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt" and that it's the first energy drink to include Tibetan goji berries and Asian cordyceps. Mmm. Cordyceps.

I also learned "Steven Seagal now can add 'Energy Drink formulator' to a list of talents that already includes veteran actor, singer/songwriter, guitarist, and Aikido black belt."

The site is a treasure trove of ... wisdom ... or something like that. Save me the trouble of quoting it all here and just visit it yourself.


Anonymous Paul said...

I have it on good word that Steven Segal's energy drink tastes like ass from a recent quant student.

Also - when doing an alkalinity test - something kept precipitating - likely due to the extreme pH that was created - it was probably some dye molecule.

11:31 PM  

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    Cross-dressing, kind of
    Next-to-last bracket update: I'm smokin' Paul
    To E (A: B.B. King’s Blues Club)
    Your five ain't even better than our bench
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    To E (... again)