Friday, April 11, 2008

Food + Food = ??

I had my first taste of chicken and waffles over the weekend. Good stuff, that. It’s one of those combinations I probably never would’ve made on my own, though I do recall coming up with some interesting “what’s in the cupboard” combos as a hungry, broke college student.

Wiki says chicken and waffles has Southern slave roots, but I can’t help wondering if some stoners with middle-of-the-night munchies decided the combination of dinner and breakfast (dinkfast?) was the best idea ever. And, for once, they were right.

My coworkers and I were talking about chicken and waffles and other interesting food combos – and here’s what we came up with. You guys ever had any of these?
  • Shrimp and grits – I was under the impression this was a Southern thing, but I hear it’s actually a Lowcountry staple. A coworker says his mom made shrimp and grits all the time when he was a kid. My mom never made grits, period, but I’ve had shrimp and grits in recent years and like it. I guess that’s a good thing, considering I’m about to be smack dab in the middle of the Lowcountry.
  • Fried catfish and spaghetti – A friend introduced me to this combination a couple of years ago. Apparently, this is another dish that lots of people -- but not me -- first tried as a child. There’s a meat-and-three place down the street from my office that serves a (very popular!) fried catfish and spaghetti on Fridays. Long, long lines. I hear it’s fantastic, but I’m not a big catfish fan.
  • Barbecue spaghetti, barbecue baked potatoes, barbecue bologna, and barbecue pizza – Why have a baked potato when you can have a baked potato smothered in pork? Pork-topped food is definitely a Memphis thing. I’d say the best barbecue spaghetti is at Neely’s, the best baked potato is at Pig-N-Whistle, the best bologna is at Interstate Bar-B-Q, and the best pizza is at Coletta’s.
  • Pizza and ranch dressing – My officemate swears he picked this one up in Texas, where he says it’s not uncommon for pizza to be served with a side of ranch. Matt’s from Michigan and he does this too, but he’s pretty well-traveled, so I guess that explains it. [Edit: Actually, Matt did the ranch thing with barbecue pizza, which technically means he combined two of the combinations on here. Trailblazer.]
  • Fried Twinkies – Not really a food combo, but Southerners are willing to fry anything. The idea of fried Twinkies grosses me out, but I’ve never tried one. It’s a very popular carnival food around here. Along those same lines but more readily available: fried pickles (Mmm!), fried green tomatoes (Eww!), fried turkey legs (Meh.), fried peanut-butter-and-banana sandwiches (Elvis’ favorite).
Anyone tried any of these or know of any other can’t-miss combos?


Blogger smacky said...

My wife does pizza with ranch dressing. I saw the Neelys make barbecue spaghetti on their Food Network show. Looked interesting. Barbecue pizza must be nationwide by now. I think most chain places have it on the menu.

Oh, last night on Scrubs, the guy called it "brinner." The act of having pancakes and a glass of wine. He also had ice cream with bacon in it.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Expensive chocolate/bacon "flying pigs." So, having not seen the Scrubs episode, how was the bacon ice cream?

10:42 AM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Chicken and waffles sounds icky. Where did you have that? Fried catfish and spaghetti -- equally gross.

Pizza and ranch dressing is FANTASTIC!! Then again, I put ranch on just about everything.

And I actually like honey mustard and tuna fish sandwiches. I also kind of like banana peppers with ice cream. (Does this mean I'm pregnant?)

2:57 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Fried pickles at Pig N' Whistle (Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I also love fried green tomatoes. Not much of a peanut butter and banana fan, but love barbequed potatoes.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous paul said...

Peanut Butter and Banana is FANTASTIC!

9:55 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Barbecue pizza is amazing! Fried peanut butter banana! Catfish and spaghetti sounds pretty bad though.

A lot of these are fried. Man, anything is good fried. I'd eat an eraser if you fried it.

2:41 AM  

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