Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A note to E

Long time, no clue-y. Is it because of the tournament? Did your bracket crash and burn? Are you sick? Spring fever? Hay fever? Fever fever?

It's no big deal -- I've been working late on data for days now and trying to finish these wire-wraps. I just noticed you were late with this week's clue and your answer last week wasn't in verse, and I started to worry a bit. Are you bored? Is everything okay?

But, hey, we've established you know me, right? So you know I worry. A lot. And I do my best to take care of my friends.

So if you need anything -- a break? a beer? a hand-torched pendant wrapped in sterling? -- let me know. Don't bring up your secret identity and I'll never know the difference. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry for the delay
i had a good reason see
for i had to take a trip
outside of tennessee

but back to town i am
and ready to rock n roll
so lets get another clue
running up the flag pole

this is a place in town
brighter than the rest
a small little area;
a starting line for the best

its a place not known for metal
just platinum and gold
but these gems are not free
they're bought and they're sold

so think about it kate
to get this picture of fun
you'll need a good mixture of
both hydrogen and helium

9:37 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

For once, a clue I got right off the bat and Paul can't figure out! I'm lording it over him, too. If the bottom doesn't fall out of the sky this afternoon, I'll head that way.

Some mistake me, underrate me ...

3:54 PM  

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