Thursday, April 17, 2008

On being a mattress

"We could have a conversation," said the mattress. "Would you like that?"

Marvin and the mattress. I hadn’t read it in years, and honestly hadn’t thought about it until a friend started quoting it the other day.

I admire the mattress. There’s something quite satisfying about gently prodding until someone opens up, then just listening and being there, knowing things will work themselves out. On the very rare occasions I do interviews these days, I end with this: What question didn’t I ask that you wanted me to ask?

Sometimes it takes a while to draw it out, but everyone has a question. Everyone has something they want to get on the table. And once the question is out there, the answer follows – sometimes gushing, sometimes dripping, sometimes requiring a little more prodding … but always worth it in the end.

So there’s my lesson for the week, kiddos. Much good can come from being more mattressy, finding a Marvin and digging in your heels. On the other side of the marsh, there are speeches galore – you just have to find them.

“Did it glitter?” enthused the mattress. “It glittered.”
“Did it span the miles majestically?” “It spanned the miles majestically.”
“Did it stretch like a silver thread far out into the invisible mist?”
“Yes,” said Marvin. “Do you want to hear this story?”
"I want to hear your speech," said the mattress.


Blogger Johanna said...

Just saw your little update on the side of the page.

Maybe Pablo will meet some Walish people while he's in Ireland!

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no way!
finding out who i am
is worth the game we play

i'm letting this unfold
at a slow and steady pace
if ever you tire of it
then i will help u solve this case

we can end it now
or next week
anytime that you desire
just know that the chase
isn't as much fun
as the way this will expire

3:53 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

I'm not tiring of it. I think they're just worried the end is going to roll around and I will have hyped myself up so much that I'll feel let down.

"Ooh, what if it's somebody you really don't want to see?" has been a common question. I guess they have a point. Gulp. So here's hoping you're not somebody I don't want to see because then they'd be right and I don't like it when they're right more often than me.

Look, anyone who goes to all the trouble of putting this together and sticking by it is worth seeing, right? And if you say the chase isn't as much fun as the way it will expire, well ... I'm all game.

(Oh, they've also mentioned I might be setting myself up to meet a serial killer. So please don't be that either.) :)

8:44 AM  

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