Monday, April 14, 2008

To E (A: Sun Studio)

Sun Studio. I've never taken the tour (gosh, I'm such a bad Memphian when it comes to music history -- no Graceland, no Sun, no Rock 'n' Soul Museum, no Gibson ...), but I can tell you that this itsy-bitsy building has seen his share of budding luminaries waltz through its door. Elvis, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash.

I wish the van hadn't been parked in front of the building, Sun logo or not.

As I said in my note to E before, I had a much easier time with this clue than Paul did. I know my They Might Be Giants, thankyouverymuch, while he struggled over much more cerebral interpretations. ::grins::

I really do want to take the tour. I'm going to have to enlist some friends for a whirlwind "Oh my gosh, I've got a lot of sightseeing to do" tour before I go.

E., glad everything's okay with you. Leaving town is fine, leaving the photo hunt is not. I thought I might've maybe kinda had a guess as to who you were, but alas, someone has poked holes in my theory. And they're right. Boo. Guess it's back to Square One.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great job
you read the clue well
didn't over think it
you're doing swell

brown hair
blue eyes
love rock
never cries

truth can hurt
or make u wise
three are real
one's a lie

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1886 she rose
to ensure we all were free
then in 2006 she rose
again in Memphis Tennessee

a flame of friendship
copper and steel freedom
to let us know that we
the world can overcome

so get a picture
of this icon for me
and friends of the republic
you and I will always be

10:30 PM  

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