Friday, May 09, 2008

E's letter and handwriting analysis

I got a snail-mail letter from E at my office today. Snail-mail! I love mail ... and I never get it, especially at the office! So it looks like I've got a photo-hunt picture to take this weekend.

Oh my god, did I mention I got real mail?! Like post-office mail?!?!

E, do you know my coworkers? If so, L.W. and E.S. said you probably sent a letter to a friend in Pensacola to mail to me to throw me off. Johanna said it was kind of creepy. Paul looked for a watermark on the paper ... but he's kind of weird like that. After this is all said and done, ask him about all his crazy E theories. ^_^

Let's review what I know: guy from Memphis, brown hair, blue eyes, loves rock. Birthday between April and August. School named after a tree. Was in Florida last week. (Had it been this week, I would've assumed you were at Bench Bar. Not sure what was going on in Destin last week, but I can probably find it out.)

Now comes the fun(ny) part. I own The Complete Idiot's Guide to Handwriting Analysis AND The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Handwriting Analysis. (I found this very fascinating in college.) I don't buy into much of it, but it's fun in a "about as reliable as palm-reading" kind of way. The clue was typed but the envelope was printed. Here's what the envelope says about E.

The location of the address shows he is emotional, outward-looking, restless, unwilling to take initiative. The style of the letters of my name show he is ambitious, honest, talkative, lacking control, an underachiver, critical and quick-thinking. The "M" in Memphis shows he is ambitious, envious, immature and seeking approval. The TN means he's intelligent, excitable, expressive, lacking discipline, unrestrained and unstable. We won't get into what the J means.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad you are thinking
so much about me
one day you will solve the riddle
of who is Mr. E

because I'm a friend
i am going to help you out
one thing you know about me
is wrong, no doubt

blue eyes are nice
but dont belong to me
for I have cried before
but not in two years or three

i like that you're diligent
and so that clue is free
I didn't mean "never cries"
quite so literally

hand writing analysis
sure sounds like fun
bad news, a friend addressed it
so you're time's wasted on that one

Tell Eric I said hi
for he is not E
in a few more weeks
you'll know who I be

5:07 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

::laughs:: Eric is *so* getting an earful Monday. He's been most excellent in helping with clues ... or at least tolerant of my almost-but-not-quite running down the hall going, "Ooh ooh ooh, check it!!!" In fact, now that I think about it, a lot of people have been very helpful and/or tolerant. Breaks the monotony at the office, and Johanna and Paul have heard an awful lot about it as well.

... As for the crying thing, the consensus with everyone who saw the clue was that everyone cries at some point. So we all took it literally.

Well, I can cross off absolutely everyone who was on my suspects list. It's kind of funny, because I had two people who REALLY fit the bill and I had seriously considered approaching one and acting all like "I know who you are." ... Eh, he's cool enough that he probably would've just laughed about it. Given me a strange look but laughed about it.

OMG! We should so have a party! Everything sounds like a good idea at 2 a.m.!

Sigh. Gotta clean up a big mess Fred made ... then play some TWEWY ... then get some sleep.

I love mysteries!!! Well, except the ones where people die in the end. Those kinda suck.

2:48 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

2 AM!?!?

And I'd offer tips on who E is, but I haven't a clue. Florida-addressed letters are sure interesting, however. Sounds like Mr. E thinks you might recognize the handwriting.

And maybe E's eyes are brown. Don't make my brown eyes blue, or something.

BTW, remind me not to make replies after writing lesson plans. This one is getting a little disjointed.

6:35 PM  

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