Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Let them eat cake ...

... but which one?

My office buys a cake for each employee on his or her birthday, and with mine coming up Monday, I have some decisions to make. I'm not strictly limited to cakes; coworkers have chosen donuts, ice cream cakes, and various pies. Yesterday, we had bagels and flavored cream cheeses from a restaurant across town.

All that said, the woman who orders the birthday confections has requested (and I have veto power) that I order a cake; lately, everyone's picked ice cream cakes (which she can't eat) or bagels (which are becoming passe).

This will be my fourth birthday while at the company. I don't remember every year's picks, but I'm pretty sure last year I chose a chocolate-frosted Neapolitan cake, which as I recall was good but not spectacular.

At this point, most people would elicit suggestions from coworkers -- who actually will be affected by the choice -- but instead, I'm going to ask you guys. What kind of cake (or not-cake) should I order for my birthday?


Blogger De said...

How about an extravagant wedding cake?

8:46 AM  
Anonymous paul said...

vanilla cake with chocolate whipped frosting - yum yum

1:01 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

This post has been removed by the author.

3:33 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Get something from La Baguette. They have really good cakes, but don't get a regular "American" cake, get something exotic like Strawberry Chantilly or Chocolate Mousse Cake.

The more important question is: What kind of cake will we be having Saturday night? ;)

3:34 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I always go for a cheesecake.

Man, we all have birthdays coming. Are we really getting that old?!?

6:41 PM  
Anonymous paul said...

no - i refuse to get old and stand in the face of conventional wisdom. Old is totally a mindset. Young is at heart.

11:19 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

I like coconut cake, or possibly a red velvet cake with a cream cheese frosting.

Or you could just get an ice cream cake and tell the coworker to suck it.

8:17 AM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Hey! Wait. Get a coconut cream pie. Totally.

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stargazer Girl ~ creative minds think alike.

Kate ~ if a caked was only so-so last year, i strongly suggest u find a way to wrinkle out of buying one from this person this year.

come up w/an excuse like
"Paul's surprising me w/one, even tho i know he thinks i dont know"
that should work [:

me fuzzy on the date, btw..

9:26 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

I just wanted to leave lucky number 10.

No, really, I wanted to ask about the rice. Weren't you supposed to get rice pudding from Against the Grain or something? (Can't remember the name of the place -- didn't you and Paul visit it when you were in NYC?)

11:27 PM  

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