Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Miscellany (Notes to Smacky, E; update on Paul)

I'm in Charleston! I'm going to start uploading photos and probably will post one or two tomorrow.

Smacky: I've added a shout-out box to the left of the page to accommodate Twitter comments. You technically can leave comments via Twitter, but you have to join and that's a big pain in the butt. So now we've got a comment widget. Use it. But still leave me comments. I love comments. :-)

E: Do I know you in real life? I thought you said I did. But I've gone through the laundry list of people I know (a rather small group) and can't figure out who you are! I feel really silly because I asked a coworker who used to work in indie radio if he knew anyone who liked The Kills, and then had to give him the elevator speech about why I wanted to know. And, Perhaps even sillier, I visited a friend's MySpace page four times in a day to see if the clues match. (He's into jiu jitsu; not so sure about taekwondo.) Anyway, somebody's suggested you don't really exist, but I believe you do. I just can't figure out whether I know you in real life.

Despite a herniated disc, Paul made it through the ride to Charleston. I did all the driving -- not really a big deal after doing almost all the driving to New York last year. I was really tired when I got here though, and my shoulders are really sore. I think I must've hunched over the wheel for the entire 12+ hours I was in the car, and I was tense anyway because we drove through a really (really) bad rain/hailstorm.

We went to the South Carolina Aquarium today and drove around the city. Seafood for lunch and dinner. I'm not completely enamored with Charleston yet, but it'll likely grow on me. Tomorrow: a look at the first apartment complex.

I miss my cats, my friends and Rock Band. I can't wait to go home ... I mean, my real home.

Back tomorrow with pics.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be no fun
if you didn't know me
why would i care enough
to write clues as E

so rest assured; you know
even if you don't know how
and soon enough you'll win
and can take your bow

until then we play on
hoping for more mystery
and revealing more than ever
about your poetic adversary

10:32 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Nursing Paul *back* to health (it's a pun, people)...
    Let them eat cake ...
    To E (A: The Racquet Club)
    Weird taco dream
    E's letter and handwriting analysis
    Charleston: a "glass half full" approach
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    My enforcers
    New work order
    Perfect day ... V 2.0