Monday, May 05, 2008

Musicfest recap (and a note to E)

Mr. E: I saw the sign below on Front Street after leaving Musicfest Saturday night. It made me think of the photo hunt, so I had Paul snap a pic of it. Consider it a bonus on my end. I've seen it before -- you know, during all my trips wandering Front Street (?!) -- and it makes me smile every time. So, um ... I'm still in the game if you are.

Speaking of Musicfest, I had a great time and can't thank Johanna enough for the tickets, her early birthday gift to Paul and me. Friday night was a washout -- literally. I knew it was going to rain, so Paul and I rushed around town to find raincoats before we went to Tom Lee Park. (No, we didn't own raincoats. I'm not much of a coat person.) I'm glad we bought them; the storms were way worse than I thought they'd be.

The Ben Folds concert was canceled because of the rain, as was The Roots concert on the same stage afterwards. I didn't care so much about The Roots, but I was sad about missing Ben Folds. The stupid thing is that nobody came on stage to say the concert was canceled. We were clued in when the crew started wheeling the instruments off stage. Man, that sucked.

I was already about to cry as we headed toward the exit, and some dude walking past me just jumped in the mud for the heck of it and yelled, "Hey, I got you muddy!" Well, that pushed me over the edge. But, from what I hear, dealing with the rain -- and drunk jerks -- is part of the Musicfest experience. Consider me experienced now.

Saturday night, we were back at Musicfest and met up with Matthew and Paul's dad to watch the Seether concert. (See previous post for a pic of Matthew, Paul and me.) It wasn't raining, but it was insanely muddy from the previous night. A lot of people were in flip-flops or barefoot, walking through an area where Paul Sr. and Matthew saw some dude pee on the ground. Eww. The two of them were staying at one stage to watch Disturbed, so we parted ways and Paul and I went to another stage to catch the end of John Butler Trio followed by Matisyahu. Good concerts all around.

Also on Saturday, I got a surprise package from Mattie with new marbles to wrap. (See picture a couple of posts ago ... or click here. Those are my favorite round-nose pliers in the middle.) I happened to be talking to him when the package came and was SO excited. He said he felt like an asshole not telling me the package was on its way but that he wanted it to be a surprise. It was indeed a surprise, so I think I can forgive him for being an asshole. :-)

It's going to be rough splitting my free time between wrapping marbles and The World Ends With You -- and thats not even counting Rock Band. So much fun, so little time.


Blogger De said...

Sorry your Musicfest experience sucked rocks, Kate. I hope muddy drink guy gets kicked in the balls... by a donkey.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous paul said...

I noticed in your Twitter comment that you said you wouldnt be any good at GTAIV. After watching me play horribly - does it really matter if you are any good. I obviously suck, but that doesn't stop me from having hilarious fun times. (I think the real solution is that we need another Xbox360 - that way we can co-op games.

Also - thanks Johanna for the awesome birthday gift.

1:00 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

So, what is the point of GTAIV? Do you have missions, and on the way to each, run over things (people) and stuff?

So, wait, does this mean you STILL have never seen Ben Folds in concert? I seem to recall you almost seeing him a few times, but it never works out. Is it a curse?

1:36 PM  
Anonymous paul said...

GTAIV is all about being a criminal - and not getting nabbed by the police. There is a story - its usually about some dude who has just shown up, trys to be somewhat legit and gets pulled into the criminal underworld.

But that is all irrelevant. By far, the most important thing is that you can/could have sex with hookers, replenish your health. Then, procede to beat them up to get the money back you had to pay them.

The game itself can be a little depraved - but eh - the game play is rather fun, and the multiplayer free for all/ co-op free for all style is really fun.

Also - running over people.

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to know
you're thinking of E
even while I
was vacationing

but I thought of you too
while I was away
I went to Destin
but not all was for play

I took time coming home
to send you a clue
hopefully you received it
and you'll know what to do.

enjoy and good luck
i think it's a bit tough
but you're good at this game
and will solve it sure enough

5:38 PM  

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