Sunday, May 04, 2008

My enforcers

Matt, me and Paul at Beale Street Music Fest. If Matt wasn't scrunching down so much, you could see how much they both tower over me.

I feel totally protected when I'm between the two of them. It came in handy tonight when I found myself standing in three inches of slippery mud, pushed around by a huge throng that was mostly comprised of angry, cocky 17-year-olds drunk on Bud Light and wandering barefoot through the spot where some dude had just peed on the ground.

So, yeah. Having family that doubles as bodyguards is the most awesomest awesome thing in the world.


Anonymous paul said...

The best part about the seether concert was watching the drunk people and yelling out "play better music". Because the show sure wasnt worth watching.

But the John Butler Trio was pretty awesome, and so was matisyahu

4:20 PM  

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