Wednesday, June 25, 2008

(Beep) Paging Jerome with the cat named LemonKitty

Highlights from an actual chat. Just read it. Did I talk that way in middle school?
9:20 PM xvolleyballxchix: hey
me: ... hey?
Who is this?
9:22 PM xvolleyballxchix: carley
me: Well, hi, Carley. I don't think I know you.
xvolleyballxchix: you dont
9:23 PM me: ... okay then ...
xvolleyballxchix: what school do you go to
me: I've been out of college for, hmm, six years now.
9:24 PM xvolleyballxchix: what is your name
me: Why do you want to know?
xvolleyballxchix: your name
me: Why?
9:26 PM xvolleyballxchix: jw
me: Did Matt put you up to this?
9:27 PM xvolleyballxchix: no
hi Jerome
me: Oh for goodness sake. I really don't know you.
9:28 PM xvolleyballxchix: how old are you
me: Apparently quite a bit older than you.
xvolleyballxchix: no your not
what was you middle school
me: And I'm not quite sure why I'm still having this conversation other than I'm really effing bored and have nothing better to do
xvolleyballxchix: so what
9:29 PM me: ... My name's Simone.
There, are you happy?

9:33 PM xvolleyballxchix: are you really not jerome who sta middle school in the sixthh grade
9:34 PM me: ::laughs:: Really really.
Why would Jerome have the name "lemonkitty"?
9:36 PM xvolleyballxchix: bc thats his cats name
and why would simone hhave the name lemonkitty
9:37 PM yo
yo u there
9:38 PM YO
me: Oh, I'm here. Sorry. Hubby sent me a video of a cat.
9:39 PM xvolleyballxchix: omg stop it
9:40 PM you are jerome
me: ... How can I prove to you I'm not?
xvolleyballxchix: fine if you already went to college
then what was you major
me: Journalism, News-Editorial.
Minor in sociology.
9:41 PM Married to an analytical chemist.
xvolleyballxchix: whta job do you do now
what her name
me: I'm a research analyst for a newspaper.
xvolleyballxchix: whats you wifes name
me: I'm not telling you his name!
I'm a woman.

9:44 PM xvolleyballxchix: stop
you havent toldme anything that couldnt make you jerome
9:45 PM me: ... Well, hopefully, I haven't told you anything that could make me Jerome, since I'm not.
xvolleyballxchix: so be honest
me: I'm not giving out a bunch of my info, for real.
xvolleyballxchix: your jerome
9:47 PM me: Okay, let's assume I am.
Then what?
9:49 PM xvolleyballxchix: well then you wouldnt be a lying git
so admit it or
9:50 PM me: git?
xvolleyballxchix: ya git
me: What the heck is that?
9:51 PM xvolleyballxchix: like a person like a bitch but a nicer word
so admit ut
9:52 PM me: I just realized you're probably, like, 14. Crap -- sorry about the bad language.
9:53 PM xvolleyballxchix: dont worry im used to it
9:54 PM me: Oh. Good, I guess. ... Though you probably shouldn't be at your age. ^_^
xvolleyballxchix: nbo its not that
i hate it
i dont use it
9:55 PM so your really not jerome
me: I'm really not.
xvolleyballxchix: ok
me: Though, again, he sounds like a nice guy.
With a nice cat.
xvolleyballxchix: ya
i guess
and im sorry
me: No worries.
9:56 PM xvolleyballxchix: will you be my friend though
me: I'm like twice your age.
9:57 PM xvolleyballxchix: so
9:58 PM me: I can't imagine we'd have much to talk about ... but I guess so ...
xvolleyballxchix: thank you
we can look bac and laugh about tonight
me: Yeah, it's going on my blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i still think you should have called her dumb. it would have been pretty funny. In my head it goes like this

me: your dumb

anyway, its funnier in my head.

11:31 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Well, we've established your goofy grin is because you're mentally playing through private jokes all day long. So, yeah, I bet a lot of things are funnier in your head.

Lord knows they're unintentionally humorous when they fall from your lips.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous paul said...


11:36 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

OMG JEROME!!! STOP IT!!! UR a total sucka git!


11:57 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Damn, Jerome, you curse a lot!

8:40 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Meant to edit that out. I was kind of messing with her. Also: Sorry for the way it looks in IE. It's much prettier in FireFox (hint hint).

9:29 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

What the fresh hell?

11:00 AM  

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