Sunday, June 29, 2008

Clue-related brain drain

I've been on a jewelry blitzkrieg -- a couple of pieces for friends, then wrapping some crystals and stones I bought earlier this week.

Packing is slow because I keep getting distracted, and not just by jewelry (although that does have a huge impact). I'll start off with the best intentions of sorting through a box, then I'll come across some cool stuff and ... well, there goes my productivity.

Example: I have a huge box of wedding cards from bridal showers and whatnot, but last night I found a bunch of cards that had been separated from the pack. So I started looking through them. We have the sweetest friends, for real. I really should scan some of these things. (Something else to distract me from packing. Sigh.)

Okay, so I'm having a bit of trouble breaking down E's clue, and today's the last day for me to finish it and get a l33t bonus. Here's the clue part of his comment:
a pass, a dime
round-ball assist
plate or bowl
can all be this

its near a square
think opposite of old
it can be round
and opposite of gold
Hurm. Random thoughts. A pass and an assist are basketball terms. A dime is another term for an assist, if I recall. So what can basketball plays be? Good? A good pass, a good assist? Dropped? You can drop a pass (etc.), as well as a plate or bowl.

What are some local squares? Well, there's Overton Square (the obvious), Court Square (the next obvious), then Collierville and Bartlett town squares. I assume Germantown has one too.

Opposites of old are young or new or modern. The only opposite of gold I can think of is silver.

Thoroughly stuck. Must think harder.

By the way, E: I've never been to the Tower Room, so I didn't realize there was a lounge there. As in a not-going-to-break-the-bank lounge -- which was my whole problem with the restaurant. Someone clued me in way after the fact. (Oops.) So my "I'm not going there; it's too expensive" argument is kind of moot, but I didn't know it at the time. So, yeah, the shot of vodka's on me. :-)

Oh, and ... if I don't have the answer by, say, Monday night, I'll forfeit my question in favor of another hint to this place. This is the first one that's really tripped me up. Ran it past the usual crew; none of them could get it either. Will keep thinking.

Matthew's coming over. Must go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

never fear Kate
you cant nail this clue
because i messed it up
and am looking like a fool

should read:

a pass, a dime
round-ball assist
plate or bowl
can all be this

its near a square
think opposite of old
at a rubber tire company
maybe sterling, maybe gold

got til tuesday
good luck to you
sorry for the confusion
surrounding this clue

9:24 PM  

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