Thursday, June 19, 2008

Garage sale-abration

Hopefully my very, very last appointment at UT Cancer today. I know, I know ... I said that last time, but they decided to run a couple more tests. Eh, whatever floats their boats.

I've heard a LOT of surprise about the July 4-5 garage sale plans. You're really going to have a garage sale on the Fourth of July?

Here's my reasoning:
  • The die-hard garage-sale shoppers go on Friday
  • That Friday happens to be July 4, but it works in our favor because ...
  • Paul, his lab-partner Mike (who's piggy-backing on our sale) and I are all off work
  • Hopefully some potential shoppers are off work, as well
The only downside, again, is that it is, indeed, July 4th. But once I share my reasoning with people, they've generally said, "Oh, yeah, that does make sense." And I don't think they're saying it just to be nice, though I am kind of oblivious to such things.

... So, seriously, does it still sound like a bad idea? I mean, I guess we could change dates since it's still a couple of weeks away. Yes, no, ambivalent?


Blogger smacky said...

Eh, if you're off and got nothing better to do, these things aren't a lot of work. But I do think you'll get more people stopping by Saturday. We would just have picnics and the national fireworks on the Washington Mall to compete with around here. Maybe Memphis just doesn't celebrate the 4th like us REAL patriots!


11:55 AM  
Blogger Johanna said...

It sucks, because you guys can't come to the awesome July 4th cookout/party that Selena, Hugo, and I are throwing.


Good luck with the sale. I will not be stopping by, for very obvious reasons. LOL.

2:57 PM  

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