Sunday, June 29, 2008

So I went to Dish ...

... because you can dish the ball AND a plate and a bowl are both dishes. Oh, and because it's on Young Avenue (opposite of old). So there you have it. Best guess. I had a couple of people brainstorm and we all came to the same conclusion. So thanks to those folks. We're either all right or all wrong together.

While we were in Midtown snapping pictures, we stopped for dinner just down the street at Celtic Crossing on Cooper. First time there. Paul and I used a gift certificate I won at the corporate spelling bee last October. (Hey, I don't make it to Midtown very often.) I had the pork tenderloin; Paul had the shepherd's pie. We had some cash left over, so we got a creme brulee and a bread pudding to go. Good stuff.

Here's a pic of Dish, site of the past two office Christmas parties. Caused some confusion with Paul the first year when I told him we were going to a tapas bar for a party. Tapas, not topless.


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