Thursday, June 05, 2008

Testing the waters

Congrats to Paul, whose research professor and team were written up in the June issue of BusinessTN Magazine.
... University of Memphis chemist Gary Emmert is busy perfecting a device that you probably thought America's utilities have been using for years—a real-time, online monitor that tracks the levels of Trihalomethanes (THMs) and Haloacetic Acids (HAAs), both carcinogens that appear in drinking water as byproducts of chlorination. ... While patent on the device is pending, it is being licensed to a company in Texas, which anticipates a $300 million market among utilities in the United States and Canada alone.
Congrats, too, on the licensing deal. I'm so proud of my boy, I just might bump fists with him. :D

Rest of the brief article here.


Blogger Manga Dork said...


10:08 PM  

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