Monday, June 23, 2008

To E (A: Clark Tower/Tower Room)

Morning, E!

I kinda, sorta, maybe-just-a-little cheated on this, because I think your clue was pointing to Tower Room, and I just took a picture of Clark Tower. (But there's a bonus pic of the adjacent White Station Tower with the spinny top here.)

There's a good reason. Tower Room is mucho expensivo for a girly who's watching her pre-moving cash. I checked the menu online and almost immediately nixed plans to go, if there's no special reason to eat there. That's not to say we're not going to go before we leave town. Paul and I presumably will be celebrating something big the first week in July (wow, that's vague, isn't it? Or do you guys know what I'm talking about?), and I'm not sure if we're going to Texas de Brazil or elsewhere.

All that said, we've got that big thing in early July, then our anniversary in mid-July. I didn't want to have to wait that long to get my next clue. So, with your permission, this will have to do for now.

I don't have a ton to say about Clark Tower itself other than what I said before. Namely, I think it's cool it has its own ZIP code. ^_^

Oh, one more thing that's been on my mind: Some clues I get are really different from other clues. I mean, the styles, etc., are really different. So did you actually leave me the clue "u will find me wearing a an alternate universe"? I have no way of separating your clues from potential imposter clues. ... Of course, I guess there's really no way to figure out what's real online ... ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u will find me wearing a an alternate universe...hmmm

i'd say you have a sneaky friend
i didn't write that
i can't believe you'd think
that i'd scribble that crap

tower room was right
clark tower was nada
i'll let this one slide
but you owe me shot of vodka

clues have been too few
and way too far between
so here's something about me
i once stole a car, it was green

crashed it, but didn't run
got off without a hitch
even when i told the cop
"It ain't my bitch."

so here's the next riddle
solve it by sunday
and i'll answer any one question
that you throw my way


a pass, a dime
round-ball assist
plate or bowl
can all be this

its near a square
think opposite of old
it can be round
and opposite of gold

good luck kate
break it down, snappy
clean it up
makes it happy

9:49 PM  

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