Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weekend miscellany

It’s been a few days since my little mental health rant, so I’ve had a little time to process both the idea of taking a new med as well as the first few incredibly nauseating pills. I’ve always been very frank about my BPD in my blog (something I think I learned from Jerod at Crazy Meds).

I’m not nearly as shell-shocked as I was Tuesday. I was pretty upset then about being prescribed an anti-psychotic. A couple of days ago, Mattie asked me how I felt about being on it, which was probably the first time I’d thought about it since Tuesday. And I realized it’s not so bad. One, I’ve found a medication that’s kept me mostly stable for three years or so, to the point where people question whether I’m really bipolar at all. Two, I might get to quit it once I move and get settled in (in other words, when life calms down).

I’ll admit it’s frustrating. Like one of the articles at Crazy Meds says, you just have to come to terms with the likelihood you’ll be medicated for the rest of your life. And, really, it’s not so bad. I don’t have a terminal disease (assuming my liver holds out for that whole “lifetime of medication” thing :grins:) and I feel just fine. I sit in the waiting room at the psych office and feel positively normal. But days like Tuesday, when a doctor throws it in my face that I do indeed have a mental illness, aren’t easy. And that leads to blog posts like the one I wrote that afternoon!


Moving on now. De, you asked about my “stalker.” I haven’t really regretted the photo hunt – after all, it was my suggestion – except on the rare occasions when someone else warns me to look out for a serial killer. Yeah, most serial killers are clever, but I’m not sure they’re into silly poetry and cryptic clues.

I met my husband on the Internet. I’m not really scared of people online. I’m a smart cookie when I decide to implement the use of my brain, and I fight like a bat out of hell when I’m mad.

... And E has never peed on my car, as far as I know. ^_^

I’ve actually got to get that photo this weekend, while I’ve got some free time. Tough clue, E. Did you know that building has its own ZIP code? For real.

And Smacky, thanks for the constipation jokes. Very funny.

And E, it's been a very long weekend indeed. Hanging out with friends, friends of friends, being really tired, and -- oh yeah -- packing some stuff to move or sell. Soooo ... photo forthcoming, hopefully. :-) Clever clue, by the way!


Blogger Johanna said...

As long as E doesn't try to stab you in the leg, all will be well. :)

Can't wait for the Pictionary scans. I want to see my horse again!

12:49 AM  
Anonymous lipbiter said...

turns out one of my undiagnosed allergies may have been causing *the worst* of my mood swings all these years

w/physical side effects, of course

keep u posted, promise.
link for thought, eh

7:28 PM  

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    Side effects may include ...
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    Slope dopes and phone groans
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