Sunday, July 06, 2008


I am taking a huge leap of faith -- a huge leap of faith -- and putting some of my jewelry for sale on Etsy. This is a big, big deal for me, so here's hoping other people like my stuff as much as I do -- enough to drop a few dollars on it.

I've been frantically (OK, not really, but kind of) buying stones that strike my fancy. I've stocked up on 22- and 26-gauge wire. I have AA batteries for the camera. As an aside, I thought the hard part of this would be making the jewelry, but I'm finding it just as hard to take photos, post the listings and choose fair prices.

If I sell even a few pieces, it'll delay when I have to find an editing gig in a rather tight market.

The important thing, though, is that I'm doing something I love. Selling my work is secondary to that, for sure. So I guess the Etsy box will go back on the side of the blog now that I can list some of my own work.

The address of my shop is, but you can get there also by going to

By the way, the store's name is taken from a grammar debate with a coworker over -- what else? -- usage of almost versus nearly.


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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