Monday, July 14, 2008

In lieu of a post

I'm going to get this frickin' frackin' Etsy Mini button posted on the side of the blog so you can see all my pretty stuff.

P.S. The garage sale went well. Sold two TVs (including one I hadn't planned to sell, but oh well), along will all the furniture except a bookshelf. Also sold a ton of books and random things I assumed would end up at Goodwill. Money-wise, Paul and I came out slightly ahead of Mike, but not by much. And that boy is so sweet -- gave me a mint copy of The Dark Knight Returns for letting him use our garage.


Blogger smacky said...

Mike’s Stuff

1) Playstation 2 bundle- PS2 console, extra controller, DVD remote, component cable, w/ four games
2) Dreamcast bundle- Dreamcast console, two VMU (memory units), w/ six games
3) 32-inch JVC TV (flat-direct view CRT television) w/ remote and manual
4) 27-inch Zenith TV w/ remote
5) RCA 8-inch powered subwoofer (home theater)
6) Aiwa bookshelf system (3-CD)
7) Comic Collection (choose from 250+)
8) Basketball ball card collection (choose from 500+)

AND you bought something of his, and you still came out ahead of him?

Did he not sell some things, or did you just have a TON of "ordinary" things to sell that added up?

1:58 PM  

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    Quote of the day, courtesy of Tennessee Williams
    Dried ice cream, ahoy!
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    Doctor has such a nice ring to it
    To E (A: Definitely Dish) - scroll down for pic
    Very nice person indeed