Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The nearly gone going-away party

With just more than a week until my last day at work, the office threw me a little going-away bash. Okay, a big going-away bash.

The spread included Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken, potato salad, baked beans, cheese/salami/olive platters, fruit, a shrimp platter, and the ginormous cake to your left. (It’s half chocolate, half vanilla). My only regret: Everyone ate the chicken before I could snag a piece for Paul. That’s OK; I’ll take him there for dinner before we go.

My former boss – wife of the guy I share an office with – came to the party even though she’s an interior designer now. Sweet move on her part.

I try not to blog about the office too much, but I might as well say it now: I’ve had the most amazing, fun, energizing experience working where I do. The projects I’ve worked on and the people I’ve worked with have taught me a lot. It’s going to be very hard to leave, and not just because they threw me a party.

I wish everyone had the same opportunity and environment I’ve had. ::love::


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