Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh oh oh oh, stayin' alive

Just wanted to direct your attention to WomensSelfDefense.Info, a growing, Wiki-style site started by a friend of mine and dedicated to, well, women's self defense. ::grins::

Browse through the tips and maneuvers ... and, should the muse move you, post your own.

Eh, I've made light of it in the past and haven't even told my friend who runs WSD, but there have been a lot of situations when I've come out of my office into the alley at night and (surprise!) there's a drugged-out guy wandering by. Once, there was one propped against the door and I was stuck in the building for a while. Pretty creepy. Had my flight-or-fight been attuned a little more to "fight," I probably wouldn't have been so frightened.

With less than a week to go at work, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be locking up the office and facing the alley alone anymore. But it's still nice to keep in mind a move or two just in case.


Blogger smacky said...

When you played with the template this morning, you dropped the countdown clock! Now we're never going to see it hit zero!

I was kinda looking forward to seeing that.

1:59 PM  

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