Monday, July 21, 2008

On rehabilitation(?)

Story promo I just heard on a local TV station:
"You didn't plead guilty to unlawful possession of a weapon?"
A News Channel 3 investigation into the lifeguards that are supposed to keep kids safe.
"I'm not sure they should be around children."
Lifeguards hired by the city.
"Reckless endangerment involving a deadly weapon ... found guilty driving under the influence of drugs ... theft. You've got two felony convictions and you're a lifeguard here?"
And it's not because there weren't background checks. The city knew.
Sounds like a witch hunt to me. I understand the whole "Do the crime, do the time" principle, but what about rehabilitation? Getting another chance? Working a summer job as a city lifeguard can't pay that well, but I assume it's better than flipping burgers. Perhaps they're trying to start over, get a legitimate job and make better lives for themselves. Does it do any good to call them out? And it looks like they approached at least one of them on the job. How is that fair?

I'm sure my outlook will change if I become a parent.


Anonymous paul said...

Lifeguards actually make decent money - its like 10ish an hour. Of course, they aren't on duty for 8 hours a day, but still not bad money.

Also i agree, its a total witchunt and a disservice to these teenagers

9:22 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Sounds like someone just decided this was a good scandal to spice up the news.

11:19 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I think everybody deserves a second chance. Plus, who knows how long ago those convictions even were?

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

another bleedin attempt 2 child-proof the world.

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"smart criminals rarely get caught, which r the ones u NEED to watch out for when it comes 2 ur kids, btfw."

pardon the french.

8:21 PM  
Blogger De said...

It is a witch hunt. Unless the lifeguards specifically did something to warrant such scrutiny (like brandish a weapon at the pool, were under the influence at work, stealing stuff at the pool, etc.), then why does anyone care if some prison time was served? Oh right, because unless you're squeaky clean, you can't possibly be in the business of saving lives.

That's total crap. And I say that as a father of two.

12:42 PM  

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