Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fastest six days ever

I gave Matt an iPod; he gave me a whole bunch of jewelry. Click the picture to make it bigger. Some nice stuff in there.

Paul and I dropped Matt off at the airport an hour and a half ago. I cried on the way back to my car. Paul says Matt's the closest thing I have to a brother, and he's right ... except most people get to see their siblings more than a couple times a year. (Both guys denied that's true.)

His trip was fantastic timing because of all I've had on my mind lately. Being able to just let go in front of both guys -- just kind of breaking open -- really helped me out a lot. I've cried more in the past three days than I probably have in the past three months, but it was kind of therapeutic. It's nice to know both of them care about me enough that we can hash out anything on my mind whenever I want.

The plan is to meet up in March, maybe in Fort Lauderdale. That hinges on everyone's finances, but it gives me something fun to look forward to. In case the Charleston countdown clock didn't clue you in, I'm very much tied to when this or that will happen. Vacation countdowns start months in advance for me. So looking forward to March is a big deal ... and it made it a little easier to say goodbye. (I didn't cry quite as much.)

Speaking of countdowns and whatnot, Johanna is visiting for a couple of weeks starting a week from Friday. After she leaves, it's just a couple of weeks before my parents get here. I'll squeeze in a weekend at Carrie's in between there somewhere.

And March will be here before I know it. <3


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Weekend in review
    I know who I was, now where am I going?
    Never mind shaving your head ... try shaving your ...
    He's a doctor, but not the kind that helps people
    Chocolate chipper
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    OK, TV fans ...
    Do I have to get a tat?