Thursday, August 07, 2008

Grand plan

The movers come between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. and have said packing likely will take six hours. After that, Paul's and my plans diverge.

I'm going to leave mid- to late afternoon and try to drive a little past Atlanta and get a room for the night. Then I'm going to get up Friday morning, drive the rest of the way to Mt. Pleasant, sign papers, do inspection and whatnot. Paul is leaving Friday morning and driving straight -- cats in tow -- likely getting to MP late.

Our furniture isn't set to be delivered until Tuesday, so we bought a couple of air mattresses and (hopefully) packed enough clothes in suitcases to tide us over til then. Won't have Internet access until the cable guy comes Monday morning (although I'll likely set up shop at Starbucks for a little while over the weekend). We'll only have a 12-inch TV, as well, so I have a feeling we'll be spending more than a little time exploring the city. Works for me.

I still get all my e-mails on my phone, as well as SMS texts and, of course, phone calls. I'll also have a good chance to use my car phone minutes tomorrow and Friday. :D

Okay, going to bed. Ambien has kicked in and I'm not quite sure if this is making sense anymore.


Blogger smacky said...

Just over two days to go! I discovered that my OTHER editor friend who moved down there also lives in Mt. Pleasant.

That must be the retirement community for editors! ;-)

8:35 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Have a safe trip. :)

4:33 PM  

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    Wake-ing up
    'One, two, three, four monsters walking 'cross the...
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