Saturday, August 02, 2008

How can you call it a going-away party when you're stuck in those finger thingies?

Two going-away get-togethers yesterday. Had a lot of fun. Paul snagged some Chinese finger-thingies with the tickets he won at the arcade. The boy has a doctorate and still thought it was a good idea to stuff his fingers in woven bamboo. (Actually, he has a lot of "good ideas," many worse than this.)

I have new pictures up from yesterday in my friends gallery. I also have 25 new pieces up in my jewelry gallery. Not all of them have made it to the Etsy shop yet.

About 20 of my coworkers showed up for the first party, an after-work thing at Boscos brewery. Then Paul and I met up with Matthew and a couple of friends from high school and college at an arcade/restaurant. So if you want to get technical, I spent eight hours yesterday making merry and bright.

I felt very loved. ::warm fuzzies::

The highlight of the second party, besides Paul sticking all his fingers in those thingies, was asking somebody – anybody – to win me something – anything – from the Bling King machine. I really wanted the big, purple watch with the jewel-encrusted dollar sign, but I was willing to settle for any bling. And I got my wish. Paul snagged a keychain – or at least half of a keychain. I'm not sure if the bling fell off or if it was a consolation prize for dropping, like, $5 on one machine and winning absolutely nothing. In any case, I wore my bling ring for the rest of the night.


Blogger smacky said...

Comment on cats and Dramamine. Our girl cat gets car sick and we got some pills from the vet. The pill, even cut in half, reacts in her mouth like Pop Rocks. She immediately starts foaming at the mouth, and I think, "Weren't the pills supposed to stop this from happening, not cause it?"

8:08 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Ah, Kate, I hope your movers get all of your stuff there in one piece. Congratulations on this new step in your life.

I hope they have those finger traps in abundance where you're headed :)

12:04 PM  
Blogger De said...

Be sure to do the Charleston when you get to Charleston :-)

12:17 PM  
Blogger smacky said...


2:53 PM  

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    'One, two, three, four monsters walking 'cross the...
    Oh oh oh oh, stayin' alive
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