Thursday, August 21, 2008

Never mind shaving your head ... try shaving your hat

Ooh, look at me! I'm in a uniform! I have a beret! :-)

Funny thing: Paul has to shave his berets. I'm not quite sure why, but he had to take a disposable razor and ... literally shave the beret he's wearing tomorrow. I don't know if this is some military custom or what, but shaven berets it is.

Matt flew in this morning and will be here through Tuesday. We didn't do much today -- drove around some, walked to the Shem Creek pier, ate lunch, visited Paul at The Citadel -- and now he's asleep on the La-Z-Boy. Just like in March.

Tomorrow is this big Citadel party at the Beach House. I'm a little nervous because I'm not exactly the hobnobbing sort. And I'm even more nervous because of the whole "Harley casual" attire thing. I've selected some nice, dark jeans (slightly frayed), a black tee and a black dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves. Tennis shoes. I hope that's not too casual, but it's what I'd wear if I were riding a motorcycle. Which I'm not. Ever.

So what's the verdict on the uniform? I think it's kind of snazzy, in a military sort of way. He cleans up well.


Anonymous Paul said...

there is only one problem with this picture. I am smiling. I need to work on the "intimidate" face. Luckily, i am a big,(but normal) guy...that will help.

9:18 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I agree. Paul, I don't think your dimples go with that outfit.

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Dan aka Ronin said...

I cannot tell you how absolutely surreal this pic is...

As for shaving the beret, that brought back some flashbacks! Just wait until he spends hours trying to perfectly shape it.

4:29 PM  

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