Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Long weekend recap

Spent a long weekend in Florida at Carrie's place. It was way cool to see her for the first time in more than two years. It was even cooler when I realized the roughly four-hour drive isn't bad at all (versus the 14-hour drive from Memphis).

The great thing about old friends (err, I mean friends you've known for a long time; I'd never imply you're old, Carrie!) is that there's no pretense or catch-up period. It's like picking up where you left off. And that meant we didn't make huge efforts to stay occupied every minute of the day. We did a little shopping, made some jewelry, drank some coffee, visited a planetarium. But we also spent a lot of time watching TV (I saw House for the first time!) and just chatting.

Now that I'm home, it's back to the lonely grind of looking for a job. I'm a little frustrated because there's just not a lot on the market right now. I'd like to believe I'm a good editor, but that doesn't do me a lot of good if nobody needs an editor right now. (If anyone knows of networking opportunities, open positions, etc., drop me an e-mail or a comment.)

Next week, I wrap up my last contract job with the newspaper. After that, my parents and grandmother are in town for a visit. At least I've got a few things here and there to keep my mind off the whole job situation.

Apologies for the long break from blogging. Had quite a few days there in which I just wanted to pull the covers over my head and not get out of bed. Though I briefly considered canceling the trip, I'm glad I went because now I know I can travel on the cheap (spent more on gas than anything else) and still have a good time.


Blogger Johanna said...


1:35 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Fifteen days between posts? That WAS a long weekend!

Good to see you back, Cricket! ;-)

1:19 PM  

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