Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Self-imposed progress report

A few days ago, I posted about wanting to be more in control of the decisions I make. I also said I wanted to have more fun while I'm not working. It's really easy to just hang around the apartment all day and not do anything.

I quit the Abilify (or, as Paul and I call it, Debilify) and felt way more motivated to get out and do things. So that in itself is a big step.

In addition, I've tried to make one decision or do for myself one thing every day. Here's how it went:
Thursday: Saw Mamma Mia! and forced myself to talk to two women about a good place to get a tattoo. They said tattoos have been legal in South Carolina for only a short time, so a lot of people drive to Savannah, Ga. (100 miles away), for a tattoo.

: Decided to cook sweet and sour chicken for dinner. That's a big deal because (1.) I rarely cook, and (2.) I decided what I wanted without consulting anyone, and (3.) it was a hard recipe and I pulled it off.

and Sunday: Went to the beach! Picked up cool shells, fought the rip currents to go swimming (what a workout!), got a bit of sun. Also, Saturday, used a gift certificate and went to a really nice tapas restaurant across town.

: Saw The Rocker and ate potato skins at the movie theater. Silly movie, good food -- talk about random indulgence.

: Okay, this wasn't really fun, but I woke up early and went with Paul to get an extended warranty on the Vue. Way expensive but totally worth it because I can now drive home or visit Carrie whenever I want (... or go to concerts, etc.). I feel the urge to get out there and just drive, but gas does cost money.
Speaking of concerts, I'm seriously, seriously considering seeing Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers in concert here next week. Their tours never seem to make it outside Arizona. Okay, that's a stretch, but they never seem to make it far enough east to get close to me. Again, random indulgence, but the tickets are only $15 and there's no telling if I'll get that chance again.

So there you have it. I'm very proud of myself.


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