Monday, September 15, 2008

What news?

I worked in business news for years, which meant I read the wire, like, 10 times a day and split my free TV time between cartoons and serious stuff such as CNN. Before work? Local and national TV news. Commute time? NPR or Headline News on XM. Before bed? Local news.

Now I live 15 minutes from the beach. I go there three or four times a week (which is three or four times more than I'd ever expected to go), so I get my biz news in 15-minute snippets of CNBC.

I was only peripherally aware of the Lehman and Merrill stories until just a little while ago.

Well, at least I haven't completely fallen off the news wagon. I know some folks who practically live under a rock when it comes to what's going on outside their window.


Blogger smacky said...

Yesterday my 401(K) was down $1,801.84. Today it's down $3,829.87. Another $2,000.
Over $2,000.

Glad I have a few decades for it to bounce back.

1:27 PM  
Blogger De said...

I think I'm sticking to saving accounts for the time being. Sure, the yields are crappy but I'll never be losing money.

9:00 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

My retirement savings account is holding pretty steady at about $500. That won't even buy me a Big Mac by the time I'm going to retire, won't it?

3:59 AM  

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