Sunday, October 05, 2008

Weekend happenings

Today's probably the last day we'll go to the beach to swim. It's getting cold out -- not cold like "I need a windbreaker" cold, just cold enough that the water is uncomfortably hard to tolerate. It's a shame, too; Mom, Dad and my grandmother are coming to visit in a week and I'd been hoping to take them to the beach. At the very least, we can go shell-hunting. I've never been on a beach with so many pretty, unmarred shells.

The weekend was semi-eventful (well, compared to "normal life," at the very least). I went to see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist Friday afternoon. Cute film, decently executed. Would've been a total loss had the cast not included the cutesy duo of Michael Cera and Kat Dennings, who played off each other fairly well. I do wish the film had stayed truer to the book, which was an engaging read. I'm not much for teen books, but this one sucked me in.

Friday night, Paul and I went on a harbor cruise for tenure-track professors. Did my best to be social ... and actually engaged in conversation with quite a few people. Met one of my neighbors, Chris, who's a visiting assistant professor of English. Dinner was barbecue (but nothing like home ::sigh::). Mentioned to a few people that I'm looking for an editing gig, so hopefully someone will put out feelers and help a girly out.

Saturday was low-key. Didn't answer my phone all day (sorry). Played some Rock Band.

This morning, the apartment complex management served brunch. Quite a spread: omelette station with chef, waffles, sausage, fruit, pastries. Oh, and they served cheese grits with an amazing cajun chicken/ham topping. Wish I'd caught the name of it, but the caterers were gone by the time Paul went back to ask the name. (He's such a good sport.) Likely will try to cook it anyway. Ate with Chris again. Paul and I think it's great we know someone within the complex. It's become a lonely, tiresome task trying to meet people. Being shy is damning.

Okay, time to grant Paul a repreive from writing his lecture. The beach awaits.


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