Monday, November 10, 2008

Darn kids, get off my lawn!

I was talking to a friend today about age and how easy it is to get hung up on those big, round numbers. Like 30. Thirty is the next big one for me (albeit not for another couple of years). At least Paul and I are the same age -- I'm a mere four days older than him -- and when I hit 30, he's not far behind.

I make myself feel better by saying he and I haven't changed a lot since college. I mean, he's much more responsible now and I'm much more laid back. We go to bed earlier. We're both more cognizant of how we allocate our money and our time. But a lot of things haven't changed. We still play video games, though our consoles of choice are quite a bit newer. We listen to the same music (thank you, iPod). And we still have the same stupid, slightly juvenile sense of humor.

So, for the most part, I don't feel old. There are exceptions. Paul is teaching students this semester who were born in 1990. Nineteen-frickin'-ninety! They don't remember life before the Internet or cell phones.

That age gap was driven home to me Friday. I had a mystery shop on a college campus and was doing my best to blend in. I put on some jeans and a hoodie (which, you know, is how I dress most of the time anyway), tossed my stuff in a messenger bag and made my way to campus. I got there just as classes were letting out and found myself in a throng of young collegians.

Now, I'm not going to go into some "woe is me, I'm old" rant here. Because I'm not. Or maybe I am and I'm really, really in denial. But being there, surrounded by the fresh faces of carefree 18- to 22-year-olds, really put me in my place.

You know what made me feel old? Surprisingly, it wasn't catching a glimpse of my not-18- to 22-year-old face in the rear view mirror (though that certainly didn't help). Instead, it was realizing that I was the only one walking down the street who wasn't furiously typing text messages on my phone. I was actually looking where I was going instead of tripping over my own feet or bowling down other people.

Is paying attention something that comes with age? And were we that oblivious when we were young?


Blogger Chris said...

Yep, age is sobering. Growing old is required, growing up is optional. :-)

My current GF is almost exactly 10yrs younger than me. Sometimes I trip a little when I think she was born in '84, lol.

How things? Same ol' same ol' at the Daily News. We had a editoral flurry of emails that remined me of you, so I popped in. :-)

4:57 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I have decided to remain 29 and holding permanently. And what makes me feel old is that the kids I teach no longer belong to people much older than me. In fact, I am older than some of them...

6:15 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Holy moly! Chris!!! I miss you guys so much. I'm adjusting to Charleston but it just doesn't feel like home yet. Hearing from you suddenly made today a whole helluva lot better.

I'll drop you an e-mail in the next couple of days, but in case you see this first: I'm taking good care of Joe-kitty. She and Fred-kitty made it to Charleston in one piece, but Joe couldn't stomach the Dramamine to calm her down for the trip and spent all 13 hours crying her little heart out. Poor thing clawed at the carrier until her paws were bloody. And she cut her nose on something, which has left a little scar. Needless to say, it was a much more dramatic trip here than it was when we took her home in a Build-a-Bear box. But she's very, very settled in now and is milking me for attention while I'm not working.

Again, I miss you guys bunches. I'll probably stop by to say hi when I'm home for Thanksgiving.

Oh, one more thing: Your girlfriend is really young. :D

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Doc said...

Kate, I'm going to chime in and say that the new phenomenon of cell phone tunnel vision is not necessarily age-limited. On the way to the airport Friday to pick up a friend, I was rear-ended between Anna Knapp and 526 by someone much my senior, who was, by self-admission, looking at his cell phone.

The answer to your question: had texting existed when we were younger (and typing that phrase to you cracks me up), we'd all have been just as oblivious, or not, pretty much as we are now, or not. ;-)


7:55 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Well, I still AM 22...

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Paul said...

I am still 10, thanks ^_^

6:00 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Paul, that clears so much up. ::snickers::

6:52 PM  

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