Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thoughts from Memphis, Day 2

Paul and I made it back to Memphis Sunday night. Anticipation of being home pushed me to drive a little faster than normal and I beat my original ETA by about an hour. It's funny how we've been gone a little less than four months, but I came home expecting to see an entirely new city. It was strange, driving past places and thinking, wow, that store is still open! It's like I expected the whole world to change because my whole world had changed.

Some things here are different, though. Paul and I are staying at our old house, but it looks nothing like it did when we left in August. Mom and Dad have decided to sell their Cordova house and move back here, so they're completely renovating this house. Some upstairs rooms are completely empty; others have stuff (mostly my childhood things) piled in the middle so the painters could get to the walls. Mom and Dad bought a new bed for one of the guest rooms, and that's where Paul and I are sleeping while we're here.

Not counting the periods I lived elsewhere during college and early marriage, this house was my home for 14 years. Suddenly it looks so new and modern. Sensible, attractive sandy beige paint has replaced pink teddy bear wallpaper in the room where I grew up. It's not my home anymore. It makes me a little bit sad, but it also forces me to move on. I'm not living in a museum to my childhood anymore.

The only furniture in any of the downstairs rooms is my piano. Man, I've missed her. The echo of the empty rooms isn't bad enough to stop me from playing. As soon as Paul and I get a house, the piano's moving in with me.

Paul and I have knocked out some things we needed to do while we were in Memphis -- close out a local bank account, pay a couple of bills, etc. -- and now that we've done all that, there's plenty of time to spend with our family and friends. Our Rock Band band has reformed, for all intents and purposes, with old instruments but a new setlist. It's fun to have the group back together.

It's great to be back for a visit. I've missed seeing everyone so much. :-)


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